The Blessed Harvest

So here we are into the new year, at least the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall in my part of the world. I feel the newness so strongly with the academic year beginning. I live next door to a school, and the return of everyone to begin again, changes the energy on my road to a high degree!

Our weather right now in Southeastern Pennsylvania is awesome. The beauty is at as high a place as I've ever seen. It creates a feeling of gratitude in me that is even hard to express. As I meditated today, the thought of "harvest" came into my mind (that mind that is supposed to empty and be quiet!) What an amazing gift life is. We get to plant our seeds, whether it is for the creation of home, the creation of relationship or community, the growing of food, the growing of the Self. Then we get to cultivate. And, if we have done all that work (process) well, then comes the chance to harvest.

Sometimes the seeds have been seeds of growth, and sometimes seeds of change. And sometimes the seeds of change are seeds of growth! Closing the door can be as creative as opening it. I guess you could even say that harvest and beginnings are synonymous for a student reaps the results of past school years as he/she moves onto the next level of learning.

I wish you, me and the planet at whatever phase, a marvelous and abundant harvest. Bring it on!


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