Guided By My Jade Plant

I don't know about you, but my house plants at this time of year are huge, abundant, and HEALTHY. The Christmas cactus looks like it can't wait for the holiday, the dracenas and philadeldrons are all over place and the jade plants are rivaling the trees in the yard, especially the one on the east wall in the kitchen. I think it reaches more for the sun every early morning. My son Carl was so taken with her on his last visit that he asked to be bequeathed her in my will!

Well, I don't know whether the plant was listening to Carl or not, because last Thrusday after watering I heard a loud crash in the kitchen and you guessed it, the jade had fallen, or perhaps the term " exploded" would be a better description. I was stunned, upset, forlorn and helpless as I stood over her scattered branches. When I pulled myself together, the only thing I could think to do was to gather all the parts and place them in a cardboard box just to protect the tender leaves as I sorted out my plight.

Was this disastor a sign? Was I being warned? Always my first step when I feel I've gotten a sign is to consult my Ted Andrew's Nature-Speak book. Jade was not listed, so I had to go to the larger category of Cactus. The "keynote" was: "adaptation, find and express the beauty and strength in all conditions."

Well, my first step of adaptation was a trip to the local garden center where I was told the cardboard box was a great solution while the raw ends calloused. The victims soon would be ready for new pots and time to root and grow. I bought new pots, and when ready, I did the planting, ending up with five plants instead of one.

My next adaptation was for me, the owner and keeper of this beautiful jade tree that had lived with me for at least forty years(YES, I WAS UPSET) to figure out what my jade was trying to say to me. You see I've been living an amazing life of guidance from animals, birds, flowers, trees, numbers everything. And believe me "everything seems to have a voice!" Sometimes I hear the directive through a a phrase or sentence, and sometimes I need help. It's become a very sacred science of me knowing that I am being shown something about my life by some very Divine companions leading me forward. So you see, I now know the jade is a new escort wishing to advise me. Time to contemplate.

I thought of the plant when I watered it. I noticed that it was larger and a little unsteady in its pot, but I fidgeted with it a bit and called it "fine"! Wasn't fine was it? Obviously was out of balance, and over extended for its present pot. Hm!

Time to get honest here. How am I feeling? A Bit out of balance and too much for my spot in life? Yeah. A little too true. Too much to do. Going in so many directions. Wanting to do everything, see everybody, branching out. Pretty powerful isn't it? And I've got to admit it's painfully clear. And isn't it interesting that I ended up with five new plants, and five is the number of change. Am I being advised to change?

This definitely will deserve more meditation and contemplation, but in the meantime I am alerting you to look, listen and see what is speaking to you for your well being. The messages are truly a gift. Ted Andrews says: "A great and ancient energy is at play. It reminds us that true growth is usually slow but steady, but we must adapt and not try to force it."
I stand advised and grateful.

And probably by the time that my will is vital, Carl will have his choice of five large and gorgeous jade trees carefully cultivated and well in balance for their pot!


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