The Secret! We Always Have Free Choice

I have been reading several critiques of "The Secret," A new book and/or DVD by Rhonda Byrne, that is getting a lot of attention. A quick summary is that it is a gathering of opinoins/information around the law of attraction. I find myself very inspired by the clarity of this work and its message. I am also impressed with Oprah for she has chosen to share the material with her audiences through assorted panels and personal testimonials of individuals who have used the information.

The criticism of " The Secret"seems to focus on it being too materialistic. It doesn't dispute the law, but suggests it's dark in its presentation of how to use it and what to use it for.. The critics do not seem to trust persons with its application, or feel that it is dangerous to focus on this law for if it doesn't work it throws them into despair or guilt of being powerless. It definitely states that this product is leading us all into the trap of consumerism and materialism because we can "use it to attract less Spiritual things into our life."

So, now I want to throw in my two cents:
  • First, I so appreciate Rhonda's creation in terms of the study it provides for anyone.
  • Second I am excited that it's getting so much press and acceptance.
  • Third, I have been so moved by persons who have grasped the idea and so quickly applied it to their own lives in such a healing way.
  • <>Fouth, I love the stir!
<><>I am not dualistic. I do believe that there is Spirit in everything. "All is Well" is right where I am. If we don't know any better and focus all our energies into lack or super greed that's what we'll get And that will throw us out of balance.And then we can make a different choice. We can then change the way we're using energy and thought. If we use this information to attract the big house, the expensive car, the diamonds, and it throws us way far away from who we are in our own Divinity, then we'll go out of balance and that will tell us (or not if we're not conscious) that we're not grounded in what our Soul/God is asking us to do in this lifetime.
So tuning in and listening to our heart and our feelings tells us if we're way into ego, greed, being unconscious or not. Then we have a choice to change. There is no right or wrong, there is poor choice and better choice. And there are lessons that do result from any choice.And they are what guide us on.

We have free choice. That's a law also. And we always can count on consequences, good or bad. I celebrate everyone's free choice including mine, and I welcome this fine teaching of how energy works in my life and yours.


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