Getting A Life

It's Thursday. I've had lots of work with organizing space with clients this month. It makes sense as it's September; time to leave the summer behind and get serious. At least a little more serious!

There's lots of yearning for beauty in all my work, but underneath is such a yearning to be able to move through life and one's home environment with ease, comfort and wholeness.

It is truly amazing how NOT having the home created to now support the life that wants to happen is deadly. Wanting to move into a project, to create social get togethers, or even live easily, things need to be "set up." If every movement forward involves a hunt for, a clearing of, or a distraction, the life is chaotic.

I'm telling my clients that the first step is being sure all appliances, systems, and utilities are working and in good repair. The second is to setup all systems (laundry, food, relaxing, dressing and grooming, so you know that they have a designated space and all the tools needed to do the job are there. The third is clearing the space of everything that has nothing to do with the present life, every day (more popularly known as decluttering.) All of these steps are so important, but that third is paramount. Many of this week's projects were filled with reducing storage in the "vital" areas of the home, to only house the minimum needed for the next month! Where does the rest go? The answer is to some space removed that is also organized and accessible. (And that space needs to be orderly enough also, to support the life.)

Careful examination of what you need in this season of your life to make you comfortable, effective, happy and inspired will assist all of the above. And don't forget, it varies with every one of us. You wouldn't care one hang for the little white polar bear sitting next to my bathroom soapdish, but I would miss him deeply.

Let's organize, synthesize, and put in place exactly what turns us on. Then our new season can happen powerfully and beautifully.
Blessings to you, your space, and your willingness to "Let Go" and "Create New."
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